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Introduction to NPS

NPS Image Editor and Color Picker is a unique image editing application that is perfect for pixel art and photo editing. Its user interface resembles the familiar interface of Microsoft Paint, but NPS further elaborates on the design and adds many modern features including layers. The color picker can be used on its own to manipulate colors and easily copy/paste them into other programs.

I started working on NPS when I was 13 years old. Over the years, I've released more versions of NPS, but the version you are using right now stands out from the rest. It has been rewritten entirely from scratch using a modern programming language, and eliminates much of the "out-datedness" of previous versions.

NPS is free, easy to master, and thrives on user feedback. Its goal is to represent an ideal piece of software that puts the user first, starting from the intuitive user interface and going all the way to an easy-to-navigate help system. Don't like the appearance of NPS? Change it by clicking Tools > Options. You can create your own brushes, color palettes, and more. If you have any sort of programming skills, you can add even more functionality, such as filters, to NPS.

Thank you for using NPS, and I hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed making it!