Table of Contents
Transparency ModesTransparency controls which pixels are defined by the current layer and which pixels "peek through" from layers below. NPS Image Editor supports multiple transparency modes . Alpha ChannelAn 8-bit alpha channel allows variable blending between layers. A fully opaque pixel has an alpha value of 255 and a fully transparent one has a value of 0. Values in between allow mixing some of the current layer with some of what is below. Alpha BitA single alpha bit allows you to define fully-transparent regions without any blending. This can help ensure that palettized images do not introduce new and unsupported colors. Transparent ColorOnly available in indexed mode. This does not have an alpha channel or bit, but allows one or more palette entries to be transparent. Depending on the document color format, these colors may allow alpha components (e.g. PNG) or be restricted to 1-bit transparency (e.g. GIF). NoneNo transparency is possible, though the layer can still be smaller than the canvas and allow regions outside of it to be effectively "transparent". The transparent background color is used when attempting to erase those regions to transparency. See also: |