Table of Contents
Color FormatsAny given color can be displayed in various formats. NPS Color Picker allows you to select from multiple formats to use the color in other applications. If the current color cannot be represented by the chosen format, the closest match is used and a warning is displayed. You can choose to show or hide the closest match by clicking View -> Show effective (solid) color. AutomaticThis format will choose the optimal CSS color format that supports the specified color. The most restrictive option is chosen – it goes in order of: named color, 3 digit HTML hex, 6 digit HTML hex, and RGBA. Named ColorFinds the named color that is the closest match to the specified color. HTMLThe 6-digit hex representation of a color. For example, the color Red is #FF0000. HTML CompactUses the 3-digit hex representation of a color if possible (such as #F00 for Red), or the 6-digit representation if not possible. CSS3 RGB(A)
The CSS3-compliant RGB (Red, Green, Blue) representation of a color.
Uses CSS3 HSL(A)
The CSS3-compliant HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) representation of a color.
Uses CSS4 HWBThe HWB (Hue, Whiteness, Blackness) representation of a color, based on the CSS4 draft. ARGBDisplays the Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue components of a color with the "argb" label RGBDisplays the Red, Green, and Blue components of a color with the "rgb" label RGB TripletsDisplays the Red, Green, and Blue components of a color with no label CMYDisplays the Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow components of a color with the "cmy" label CMYKDisplays the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black ("Key") components of a color with the "cmyk" label. Optimizes the output to maximize the amount of black and minimize the amount of colored ink. HSVDisplays the Hue, Saturation, and Value of the color with the "hsv" label HSLDisplays the Hue, Saturation, and Lightness of the color with the "hsl" label YUVDisplays the Luma, Redness, and Blueness of the color with the "yuv" label Win32/OLEOutputs a 32-bit unsigned integer value compatible with Win32 or OLE colors AndroidOutputs a 32-bit signed integer value compatible with Android See also: |