The File menu contains commands for opening, saving, and otherwise working with
documents in NPS.
New Window
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+I
Starts a new instance of NPS – in other words, a new window. You can open as many
instances as you would like for editing multiple images, and can copy and paste data
between them.
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+N
Creates a new, blank document.
If an existing document is open, you will be prompted to either save your work or discard your changes.
New from Template
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+N
Creates a new image based on a predefined template.
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+O
Opens an existing file for editing. You can open standard BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, and TIF files.
Additionally, you can open NPS brushes (with a .bru extension), and NPS raw bitmap
files used for internal purposes (with a .bitmap extension).
Note that this version of NPS no longer supports opening or saving .NPI files made
with previous versions.
Open Path or URI
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+O
Opens a file or resource specified by a URI that you cannot otherwise open using the standard Open dialog. The following
formats are supported:
http://, https://, and file:// for opening image URLs directly
data: for pasting a Data URI
npsres:// for opening a built in resource
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+S
Saves the changes you made to the document since the last save. If the document was
never saved, you will be prompted to choose where to save it.
Save As
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+S
Prompts you for a new save location for the current document. Subsequent uses of the
"Save" command will use the new location.
Save Copy
Keyboard Shortcut: None
Prompts you for a new save location for the current document, but unlike "Save As",
only a copy is saved to the new location and the original location continues to be used
when saving further changes.
This can be useful when you want to save multiple versions of the image as you work on it.
Keyboard Shortcut: None
Closes the current document, presenting you with a fresh NPS window.
Read Only Mode
Keyboard Shortcut: None
This was formerly known as "Lock Saves (Read Only)"
When enabled, any attempts to save the file will result in a warning, and the data will
not be saved. This effectively makes the image read-only.
This feature can be useful if you are working on a delicate file that you do not want
to accidentally overwrite, either by clicking through a dialog or by instinctively
pressing Ctrl+S to save.
Revert to Last Saved
Keyboard Shortcut: None
Reloads the last-saved version of the current document. This will permanently undo any
changes that you have made since the last save.
Keyboard Shortcut: N/A
Allows you to acquire a document via camera, scanner, the web, or other sources.
Keyboard Shortcut: N/A
Allows you to save or publish your document via the web, specialized file formats, or other.
Page Setup
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+P
Opens the Page Setup dialog, which allows you to configure the document for printing.
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+P
Prints the document. You will be given the chance to choose the printer to use.
Advanced Printing
Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+P
Displays a dialog that allows you to customize the print output of your document.
List of most-recently-used files
Keyboard Shortcut: N/A
Displays a list of the documents most recently opened. Click on a file to load it
for editing.
You can customize the number of documents displayed by opening Options in the Tools
menu and navigating to General > Files.
Close All
Keyboard Shortcut: None
Closes all open NPS document windows.
Keyboard Shortcut: Alt+F4
Closes the current NPS instance. This is equivalent to clicking the red "X" in the top
right corner.